About Us

The Hand in Hand Foundation has been working since 1993 for a tolerant society in which the individuals with disabilities can live with dignity. Our primary task is to promote the cause of the people with disability, especially the ones who live with mental disability and the most disadvantaged backgrounds as well as the ones living with multiple disabilities. We have contact with the disabled people via their environment, directly and indirectly, in all phases of their lives involving family, experts and welfare organizations or by addressing the society as a whole.

Our main principles

  • reforming, continually improving, conscious and planned system
  • professional credibility and maintainable quality
  • system-based and multipliable solutions
  • accountability and transparency

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Lights on Rights!

Lights on Rights!

A reflection focus to promote active citizenship of people with Intellectual Disabilities

Coordinator: Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Deu, Spain

Partnership: FUB Stockholm (SE), Kézenfogva Összefogás a Fogyatékosokért Alapítvány (HU), BONIFRATERSKA FUNDACJA DOBROCZYNNA (PL) , CUDV Draga (SI)


Az ACCESS (2017-1-HU01-KA204-035947)
Inkluzív művészet (2017-1-FR01-KA204-037252)
Érintettek bevonásának tanulmányozása (2017-1-HU01-KA104-035702)
DESIGN (2016-1-FR01-KA204-02390)
projekteket az Európai Bizottság támogatta.