Quality Of Life Approach to Build support services of excellence
In the context of the modernisation of services, Disability services in general have been implementing a transformation towards more user-centred and Human Rights-based practices. When assessing the quality of the service, the main priority must be on the impact generated on the quality of life of the people it supports based on rights established in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD). Still, current inspection systems tend to be limited in their scope by focusing on the minimal standards of safety and health conditions for users, which can restrict such transformation at the service level. This project aims to inform and guide support services on quality assessment and service improvement based on the practical implementation of the Quality of Life Support Model (QoLSM), which aligns with the rights and principles established in the UNCRPD. The project will contribute to the rise of a new generation of services across countries, by creating and piloting support tools and practical guidance that enable services to enhance the individual's overall quality of life. It also intends to empower Persons with Disabilities to participate in decisions that affect their lives and take an active role in shaping they receive. Service Providers will be able to develop and pilot an Action Plan to implement the QoLSM in their services, with meaningful participation of persons with disabilities and their Circle of Support, in line with the “Nothing About Us Without Us” principle.
To achieve its goal, the QoLAB Project will work towards 4 main objectives:
Upskilling Service Professionals & Managers in QoLSM and enhance capacity of service providers in implementing innovative frameworks for measuring the Quality of services for Persons with Disabilities
Empowering Persons with Disabilities & their Circle of Support to take an active role in the support quality assurance & planning process
Enhancing dialogue and strengthen collaboration with Inspection Bodies and Public authorities
Promoting the widespread adoption and integration of the QoLSM learning tools and model across Europe to increase the service users’ quality of life
Main target groups of the action:
Service Providers Professionals (Direct Support Professionals, Health Professionals, Education and Social Services Professionals)
Service Providers Managers
Adults with Disabilities and members of their Circles of Support
Inspection Bodies & Public Authorities
The QoLAB Project will implement the following main activities:
Creation of a Quality of Life Supports Model (QoLSM) Implementation Toolkit: a toolkit including training and capacity building resources tailored and addressed to the different project’s target groups will be produced. The Toolkit will support the relevant stakeholders in understanding and implementing the QoLSM framework.
Organisation of Capacity Building Workshops: different workshops targeting service provider professionals, services managers, people with disabilities and their circle of support will be organised to provide tailored information sessions and training on how to guide and/or participate in the implementation of the QoLSM.
Development of a QoLSM Transferability Plan and Policy Recommendations: the two documents will support the development of a European strategy on how to implement the QoLSM in different contexts, considering local factors such as cultural differences, legal frameworks, and resource availability.
December 2023 - November 2026
European Association of Service Providers For Persons With Disabilities (EASPD)
Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM)
Kehitysvammaisten Palvelusäätiö (KVPS)
C.E.C.D. Mira Sintra - Education Centre for Persons with Disabilities (CECD)
The coordinator of the project can be reached at:
Fabiana Scarano, EASPD Policy and Project Officer: fabiana.scarano@easpd.eu
Lyzaveta Drannikova, EASPD Project Officer: lyzaveta.drannikova@easpd.eu
The project is financed by the European Union.