RESPONSE – Responsive services to address gender-based violence against women with disabilities – aims at bringing together the different relevant actors to increase stakeholders’ knowledge and capacity about rights-based and gender-responsive services in addressing gender-based violence against women with disabilities.
Main target groups:
1. Service providers for persons with disabilities
2. Mainstream service providers, i.e. all service providers, mainly from health, social care and judicial sectors, that can encounter women with disabilities victims of crime
3. Women with disabilities
The project aims to enable the knowledge flowing from the disability sector to the victims’ rights sector and vice-versa, thus creating an ultimate space for joint learning and cooperation. The project will develop:
• A State-of-the-art report at EU and partner country levels which will give an overview of the situation and identify promising practices, learning needs, key actors and gaps.
• A Training & Awareness Raising manual about rights-based and gender-responsive services to address gender-based violence of women with disabilities. It will be made up of a series of training modules covering key learning outcomes for the different target groups to be able to work together.
• A series of capacity-building workshops, using the aforementioned manual. Five workshops will be organised in each partner country to gather all key target groups, collectively and individually, to trigger mutual learning and cooperation activities and test the Training & Awareness Raising manual.
• A Massive Online Open Course, adapted from the Training & Awareness Raising manual.
• Policy recommendations on how to develop enabling frameworks on the prevention of gender-based violence against women with disabilities.
April 2022 - March 2024
• EASPD (coordinator) (Belgium)
• Plena Inclusion (Spain)
• FENACERCI (Portugal)
• Centre de La Gabrielle (France)
• Hand in Hand Foundation (Hungary)
• Eudajmonia (Poland)
• Jaunuolių dienos centras (Lithuania)
Project results:
1. State of the Art riport (in English)
2. Training and awareness raising manual (TAR) in 7 languages. Visit the project website to download: https://easpd.eu/project-detail/response/
3. Easy-to-read version of the awareness raising manual in English
Website of the project: https://www.easpd.eu/project-detail/response/
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ResponseProjectEU